DofuSports 2.0.1

DofuSports 2.0.1

The DofuSports application for Android shows the outcomes of all the NFL, NBA, NCAAF, MLB and NHL competitions in every league, division and season...

admin 6 Education


OnTrack Diabetes 3.2.7

OnTrack Diabetes 3.2.7

Almost 300 million people suffer from diabetes all over the world. OnTrack Diabetes intends to be a tool to help those people that suffer from this disease...

admin 4 Education


umma 3.0.5

umma 3.0.5

umma is an app that gathers all the information a Muslim needs to practice Islam, including the hours of prayer and the characteristics of Ramadan...

admin 4 Education


VocApp 5.0.69

VocApp 5.0.69

VocApp is an Android application that allows you to use your mobile phone to learn different languages making use of a visual system based on cards...

admin 5 Education


SnoreLab 2.17.9

SnoreLab 2.17.9

SnoreLab is an application for monitoring the quality of your sleep where you will be able to record your snoring and find possible solutions to the problem...

admin 6 Education


Mango Languages 5.30.2

Mango Languages 5.30.2

Mango Languages is an application that offers a wide range of language courses for learning the most basic concepts in order to get by on a day-to-day basis...

admin 4 Education


DIKSHA 3.4.569

DIKSHA 3.4.569

DIKSHA serves as a meeting place for parents, teachers, and students in all things related to the school curriculum set out by the Indian government...

admin 6 Education


Sight Words 6.5

Sight Words 6.5

Download Sight Words for Android and help children to learn how to read. The Sight Words app is based on showing individual cards with written words...

admin 7 Education


Spanish Dictionary 1.9.30

Spanish Dictionary 1.9.30

Spanish Dictionary offers the meaning of more than 50,000 words in Spanish. Check their use and definitions with this complete dictionary for Android...

admin 4 Education


Fastrack Reflex 4.2.3

Fastrack Reflex 4.2.3

Fastrack Reflex is the application which will help you to monitor and to analyze all the activites recorded by your fitness wristband or smartwatch...

admin 5 Education


Nootric 3.22.1

Nootric 3.22.1

The application Nootric, diets and weight loss offers us diet plans to eat healthier and help you to lose weight from your Android smartphone or tablet...

admin 5 Education




Do you need a push to move and exercise more? Accupedo is a digital pedometer application for Android devices that records our activity through GPS maps...

admin 7 Education
