LooksMax AI 1.0.26 DownLoad

LooksMax AI 1.0.26

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Education
  • File size:112MB
  • Developer: Mnkybrain Labs
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-08-24 03:22:55

#LooksMax AI 1.0.26 Review

#LooksMax AI 1.0.26 Introduction


LooksMax AI Android is an interesting app aimed at men concerned about their physical appearance. The system uses AI technology to analyze the user's face and offer him advice for boosting and enhancing certain details. For a small fee, of course.

LooksMax AI 1.0.26 The app that tells you how to be more handsome and masculine

The way this tool works is pretty straightforward. After we download LooksMax AI for free, all we have to do is upload a front and profile selfie of the face we want the system to analyze. In just a few seconds, the AI gives us an overall rating and grades the following aspects:







In each section, we will find more details and tips for enhancing our looks. For example, in the tab regarding the face, LooksMax AI APK recommends a specific and personalized face-care routine for us... along with certain cosmetic products.

Your personalized AI coach to help you on your journey of becoming more attractive and healthy.

The results are promising, although they seem pretty random. Moreover, there's an additional downside: getting them requires prepayment.

LooksMax AI 1.0.26 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0

Offers in-app purchases.

LooksMax AI 1.0.26 NewS

The LooksMax AI app is an unusual app with advice for men who want to improve their physical appearance, beautify their face, and enhance their masculinity

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