Pixelator 3.0.6 DownLoad

Pixelator 3.0.6

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Multimedia
  • File size:3MB
  • Developer: Alex Gwyn
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-04-12 06:22:51

#Pixelator 3.0.6 Review

#Pixelator 3.0.6 Introduction


Do you need to blur a part of an image before uploading it to the internet or sending it to someone? Not all editors feature this humble tool. However, we can fix that by downloading the APK file of this app. But how does it work?

Pixelator 3.0.6 A touch of privacy for your images

Pixelator is a very simple photo editor that features just one function - the pixelating of images (or parts of them). This means it allows us to blur parts of an image on the go from an Android device.

You can quickly pixelate sections of an image to hide identities or to keep some things private.

Its main characteristic is that it is basic enough to be extremely easy to use. All we have to do is select an image and pixel size. In addition, we can choose to pixelate by dragging a finger to draw a circle or covering the area with a rectangle. Meanwhile, we have buttons for undoing actions and for sharing the result directly from the app.

Overall, this is a very rudimentary tool that does just what it promises and nothing else. So, it's simple and effective, and you can't ask for much more than that.

Pixelator 3.0.6 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0.

Pixelator 3.0.6 NewS

The Pixelator application is a very simple mobile photo editor with just one tool that can be used to pixelate or blur photos in a matter of seconds

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