AUSTALE 0.4353 DownLoad

AUSTALE 0.4353

  • Systems:Android
  • Classify :Games
  • File size:67MB
  • Developer: SnightCoder
  • Down:
  • Time:2024-09-09 08:48:49

#AUSTALE 0.4353 Review

#AUSTALE 0.4353 Introduction


Fans of the video game Undertale can't miss this title, as we will be able to fight against skeletons from a quite original perspective. But what is this game about? It's hard to say...

AUSTALE 0.4353 Survive in the underground

AUSTALE is a peculiar game for smartphones halfway between RPG, turn-based fighting and arcade. To play we will have to download the APK file and choose one of the Undertale skeletons.

Once in the combat screen, we will see the skeleton at the top of the screen, a box, our character's stats and action buttons. After a short dialogue, it will be our turn. We can fight, act, use an item or show mercy.

To attack we will have to press the right button at the right time as a bar on the box moves. Normally the skeleton will attack us next. It will launch a succession of attacks, and we will have to move the heart in the box to avoid them... something that will not be easy.

The game that simulates the battle between humans and skeletons.

This title offers a rather curious experience, pixelated graphics, a MIDI soundtrack and various types of control. And it even includes an editor to create our own battle, easy mode and several customization options.

AUSTALE 0.4353 Requirements and additional information:

Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.

AUSTALE 0.4353 NewS

The underground welcomes us in AUSTALE, a smartphone game which is based on the RPG Undertale in which we will have to fight against lots of skeletons

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