Magic Face 1.6.0

Magic Face 1.6.0

What secrets does your face hide? The Magic Face app offers us predictions about our prospective baby, how we will look as we age, and other effects...

admin 4 Education


Sleep Tracker 1.3.1

Sleep Tracker 1.3.1

Do you know how you sleep? The Sleep Tracker app helps us monitor our sleep cycles and offers us various features designed to help us sleep better...

admin 4 Education


Lasting 2.8.23

Lasting 2.8.23

Would you like to strengthen your relationship or marriage? The Lasting app offers digital marriage counseling to help us be a better and happier couple...

admin 6 Education


Free Translate 1.5.4

Free Translate 1.5.4

The Free Translate app turns your smartphone into a translator with over 100 languages and lots of useful functions to make us understand each other...

admin 6 Education


SpTH 4.14.0

SpTH 4.14.0

SpTH is the app travelers arriving at Spanish airports need to use in order to complete the COVID health form and get the code they will have to present...

admin 5 Education


Leo con Grin 5.5.164

Leo con Grin 5.5.164

Leo con Grin is a practical application that features a course to encourage children to learn to read based on a nice teaching method and fun activities...

admin 5 Education


Wocute 1.7.21

Wocute 1.7.21

The Wocute application is a complete menstrual calendar with several additional features, such as articles, educational videos, and answers to questions...

admin 3 Education


EasyQuit 1.5

EasyQuit 1.5

Need some help to break the smoking habit? The EasyQuit app provides us with resources, statistics, motivation, and reasons to bid farewell to cigarettes...

admin 9 Education


Book of Mushrooms 4.4

Book of Mushrooms 4.4

Have you ever wondered if one mushroom or another is edible or poisonous? The application Book of Mushrooms reveals all the secrets about mushrooms...

admin 5 Education


Waking Up 2.17.0

Waking Up 2.17.0

Is your life a mess? The Waking Up application for smartphones helps us to better understand our minds and live a fuller life through guided meditation...

admin 6 Education


Course Hero 2.9.95

Course Hero 2.9.95

Don't know how to solve an exercise? Do you need some help to finish your maths homework? The Course Hero application offers answers and online tutors...

admin 6 Education
