Quit Smoking 3.7.15
Quit Smoking is a health and lifestyle application that offers many useful tools to help you quit smoking and keep motivated throughout the process...
Quit Smoking is a health and lifestyle application that offers many useful tools to help you quit smoking and keep motivated throughout the process...
The GPSTest application is a handy comprehensive navigation and coordinates tool that provides real-time information from GNSS and SBAS satellites...
If you would like to enhance positive thinking, the ThinkUp app offers us lots of motivational phrases that will help us to find inspiration and strength...
Are you not drinking enough water? The Water Time app calculates the amount of water we should drink each day and sends us reminders to stay hydrated...
Are my flowers blossoming or is this just a weed? With the Flora Incognita app, you can identify thousands of plants with using smartphone camera!...
Mylo is a maternity application that provides you with a travel companion throughout your pregnancy and includes a variety of useful tools and resources...
The Garmin Golf application is a handy sports tool that allows users to turn every round into a fun competition even if you don't own a Garmin device...
The Banana Series: Cat Memes app helps us fight boredom by giving us a gallery of videos starring Happy Cat, the crying cat meme dressed up as a banana...
ABBYY Lingvo gives you a free dictionary and translator on your Android for translating from Russian to six other languages and buying other language pairs...
The Polaris GPS Navigation application offers us several tools, such as maps, a compass, plates, routes and much more, in order not to lose our bearings...
Do you want to get in shape and lead a healthier life? The Virtuagym application offers exercises to do at home or at the gym and nutritional plans...
If you need some extra motivation to be more active, you may find it in Step Going, a simple application for Android that helps us count the steps we take...