Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2
- Systems:Android
- Classify :Education
- File size:15.3MB
- Developer: Leap Fitness Group
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- Time:2024-04-28 04:31:16
#Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2 Review
#Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2 Introduction
One of the critical areas where we accumulate most fat is the stomach. If you want to lose that paunch once and for all, the studio Leap Fitness Group (which specializes in home workout apps) offers us this fantastic tool with personalized workout plans.
Lose belly fat and get a flat stomach with our short and effective home workout plans for burning fat.
Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2 Do exercise and achieve your goals
Any day is a good day to start getting in shape. If you have decided to finally separate yourself from your seemingly inseparable spare tire, the app Lose Belly Fat provides us with all the tools we need. Its system is based on the following features:
Short workout sessions of around ten minutes a day.
Personalized programs tailored to the goals and characteristics of each user.
Weight-loss workouts, without the need for equipment.
Exercises especially designed by experts for burning belly fat and doing core workouts.
Tracking of calories burned.
Work out at home or at the gym.
Schedule notifications and reminders for tummy toning.
Three difficulty levels.
Health and nutritional advice for achieving a balanced diet.
Get a flat stomach in just a few weeks!
The app is totally free and will guide us through every session. Choose the workout that you most like or that best matches your goals and follow the trainers' instructions. And if you don't understand how to do any of the exercises, you will be able to watch animations and videos. Your healthy life starts today, no more excuses!
Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2 Requirements and additional information:
Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.
Lose Belly Fat 1.3.2 NewS
Lose Belly Fat is an app for working out and doing exercises that will help us lose belly fat and get a flat stomach by putting in just ten minutes a day